Hey everyone! We’re just getting these forums off the ground so would love to have people introduce themselves to the rest of the community. To make it easy as well, just say your name, a little about yourself, and what you’re interested in doing/pursuing in the realm of Volumetric Filmmaking!
Hello all! My name is Andrew Gant. I’ve been in the Depthkit community for about 5 years now and have no plans on leaving I’ve done almost every type of format imaginable with Depthkit. Music Videos, Photoshoots, VR, AR, and other random applications. Let’s chat sometime! Love to geek out with all things Depthkit.
Hey! I’m Max Ellinger. I first got introduced to DepthKit at a talk by James George as part of some future of filmmaking series back in 2014. I remember him being very generous with a young guy with lots of weird ideas. In 2015, I was lucky to be a backer of the Blackout Kickstarter, which afforded me access to the tools. I also got to play around with them at an experimental capture workshop taught by Golan Levin, and haven’t lost my excitement about using them since.
After putting in my time at various Bay Area startups and agencies, I’m excited to be calling myself a VR developer with a focus on using volumetric video for narrative experiences. Woo-hoo!
Hello! I’m Chaitanya Shah(Chait- if that’s easy). I got to try DepthKit for the first time last year for a class project at USC. Andrew Grant who is here in the community helped me to learn and implement projects. Currently, I’m at Emblematic Group and are exploring the use cases for Journalism purposes.
I’m James George, co-founder here at Scatter and very excited to have this new forum for the community. You can ask me questions about creative ideas, computer graphics, shaders and any trivia about the history of depthkit and our dreams for the future of volumetric filmmaking!
Hi All!, I’m Daniel, I’m a British guy living in Taiwan, work as a Design lead at a tech company, you can see some of my work here: http://theability.co.uk/
2 years ago I tried VR for the first time and It totally blew me away as a creative medium, working with flat layers my entire career I have been slowly learning 3D and unity, I am using Depthkit for all of the characters in my game and photogrammetry for the environments http://2filthy.com/ - I’m really happy to be part of this community, the whole team here is really supportive and helpful, and clearly really passionate, it’s inspiring!