I’ve been keeping an eye on depth kit as something I’d like to explore for a while, and the real clutch for me was being able to pair it with an actual camera in Depthkit Cinema - these azure Kinect cameras are great at capturing depth but not so much at texture/color/etc. With that in mind, finding out that the pricing of Depthkit Cinema was going to be 399/month puts this pretty out of reach for me and most independent and probably even smaller/mid level filmmakers looking to break into something like this.
At the same time, I can’t really see this feature set being used at a large studio… I don’t claim to be anywhere near an expert on this, but some quick searches of alternate tech like this lead me to believe there are much better options for larger production users out there.
Who is this aimed at? Is there every going to be an offering thats feasible for independent filmmakers? Because the other options without access to capture with your own footage don’t seem like they have a level of quality that could be used. I could be way off, but in my opinion, the feature set seems indie but the price seems larger budget. I mean… even in most of the documentation there’s way more reference to hybrid still/video cameras and low budget cinema cameras like the bmpcc more than anything, which would not be used in larger productions in any way. It also seems like this was accessible on a legacy plan before that was more catered too someone like me?
Wondering what other peoples thoughts are on this, and if anyone from depthkit can comment on this. Seem like a complete market miss/swinging for a home run with a whiffle ball (certainly hyberbole, there’s lots of seemingly great stuff here, but this doesn’t seem like something thats ready to play in the MLB)
If I’m missing something here I’m happy to be corrected but just seems like there’s a disconnect here.