We were successful in getting this working on PC, however, on Mac it seems to be completely broken.
Our intended platform is iOS, which is also broken.
To give some context as to why we want to use the Lite renderer - using the normal renderer crashes the device when using too many perspectives and the VFX graph in order to achieve the look we wanted, along with all the overhead that comes with AR. We found the Lite renderer had much better performance and we could get a similar look.
Sadly I don’t have much more help - the pointcloud hack is something we threw out there as it worked for one other user, but in order to support it across different platforms we’d need to invest more time than we have bandwidth at the moment.
If those other posts don’t help, my recommendation is to post a new issue on the Unity forums in case someone has seen some issue like this with the default point size on Metal/macOS/iOS
Alternatively, perhaps you can recruit someone who is handy with Unity shaders to investigate how to get the pointsize under control on custom shaders.