Depthkit + Unity Shader Graph

(Image above not us…yet!)

Depthkit + Unity Shader Graph

We have a small tradition at Depthkit of doing “R&D Fridays” where we work on a small project for some part of the day that’s interesting to us and not necessarily related to a lot of the other work that we do! Last week I started working on something that I know that I’ve been wanting and have had other people ask for, which is the ability to play with Depthkit effects in Unity’s new Shader Graph tool!

The idea that I’m going for is to convert our current simple renderer in Unity to be implemented purely through the Shader Graph tool. After that I’ll look into doing cool effects and whatnot, but until then, baby steps!

The project is just getting off the ground! I’m currently in the process of converting our .cginc file that is mostly “pure math” into shader nodes and making sure they compile (more below)!

Journal Posts
1. Working with custom nodes


Custom Nodes

Okay so the first step was unfortunately diving to the fringes of Unity’s documentation and learning about how to create custom Shader Graph nodes. The documentation is also in a weird spot, with node documentation split between Unity’s official docs, their dedicated Shader Graph Repo, and a new master repo that has documentation pages that link to an older Shader Graph repo.

Between the three of these however I was able to figure out how to rough out a custom node, which was going to be required for us because we have some dedicated math that needs to be run for our shader (basically everything in the .cginc file). Custom nodes are required for this because what we are doing is a sort of special use case for the graph - it’s meant much more for pure visual processing, so we’re kind of hacking it so that it can accommodate our math needs as well.

For a really simple example here’s what a custom node looks like that simply clamps a value to a certain range:

using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Reflection;

[Title("Depthkit", "ClampDepth")]
public class ClampDepth : CodeFunctionNode 
	public ClampDepth()
		name = "Clamp Depth";
	protected override MethodInfo GetFunctionToConvert()
		return GetType().GetMethod("clampDepth",
			BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

	static string clampDepth(
	[Slot(0, Binding.None)] ColorRGB depthsamplehsv,
    [Slot(1, Binding.None)] Vector1 _DepthSaturationThreshhold,
	[Slot(2, Binding.None)] Vector1 _DepthBrightnessThreshold,
	[Slot(3, Binding.None)] out Vector1 depth)
    depth = depthsamplehsv.g > _DepthSaturationThreshhold && depthsamplehsv.b > _DepthBrightnessThreshold ? depthsamplehsv.r : 0.0;

You can see that it isn’t the most “readable” code, but the key idea behind Unity’s custom shader nodes is that you essentially define some simple inputs and outputs, and then pass your shader code as a string.

So in the clampDepth() function you can see that I define depthsamplehsv, _DepthSaturationThreshhold, and _DepthBrightnessThreshold as inputs, and then define depth as my output. These variable names then directly map to the names used in the string function that is returned.

So currently I’m just converting .cginc functions! No fun visuals yet but slowly making my way through our code to get there!


This is massively exciting stuff! thanks for sharing! :smiley: