I’m super excited to make volumetric video with the Azure Kinect DK!
• Anyone have any info on whether it will work with DepthKit?
• How could I create volumetric video if not?
• Are there consumer-facing volumetric video players for desktop/mobile?
Hey! We are super excited about the Azure Kinect as well! The specs they have announced look very promising and if you have pre-ordered one, we plan to support it by the time you have it in hand. In the meantime, we do support the Kinect v2 for Windows so you can start creating volumetric video immediately. We also have experimental support for the RealSense Depth Camera D415 and the D435.
As for the volumetric video player, I definitely recommend getting started in Unity with our Depthkit Unity Plugin and the sample project available on your account downloads page! Another method is to follow the Depthkit/Vimeo workflow for playing your volumetric footage on the web.
Thank you! And will you support daisy-chaining so I could use 3 Kinects at the same time?
I can’t say yet, but we will share all news and specs very soon when the sensor is readily available!
Hey Cosmo! We just wanted to let you know that support for the Azure Kinect in Depthkit is ready for Depthkit Pro! All you need to do is upgrade Depthkit to the latest version. We hope you enjoy.
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