DepthKit Unity Plugin extracting mesh

I am currently trying to find if there is a way in the depthkit unity plugin to export the mesh in a specific frame from the meshes generated by the plugin. In the viewer it appears that there is a mesh object, however I have so far been unable to obtain this mesh as it is my understanding that these are generated at runtime through a series of mesh deformations. Whenever I try to export a mesh from a singular frame of a DepthKit capture, it simply exports as a cuboid, equivalent to the bounding box of the capture. Could someone provide some information on how the process works inside the DepthKit plugin, and whether there is a method to extract a mesh on a given frame?

Thank you.

Hi, @CharlieBaker. If I am understanding correctly, are you looking generate single mesh file (e.g. OBJ) from a particular frame of the Depthkit clip?

The recommended way to accomplish this is to export a textured geometry sequence directly from the Depthkit desktop application itself. See the sections the Textured Geometry Sequence format and its settings in the Depthkit documentation. Though you cannot precisely select a specific frame in the Depthkit app timeline, you can export a short range of frames, and then delete all except for the frame you would like to keep.

Also: To clarify how Depthkit assets are reconstructed in Unity, you are correct that the meshes are generated at runtime, however it is not a single mesh deformed over time, but rather a mesh generated from each frame of the Combined Per Pixel (CPP) video as it plays. Previous versions of the Depthkit Expansion Packages for Unity included a tool to step the CPP video forward frame by frame and export each Depthkit mesh in sequence, however this was removed once Textured Geometry Sequence exports became available in the Depthkit app.

@CharlieBaker Following up - Does the above answer your question? I’m going to close the ticket, but let us know if you still would like more information.