Stream textures from vimeo or youtube onto depthkit for unity

Hi all,
James suggested I ask here. I’d initially posted on the FB group.
Is there a way to stream textures from vimeo or youtube into depthkit for unity using the Unity default player in the DepthKit script?

I’d rather not use the (expensive) AVPro player plugin, and not sure even if it does support.
For context, in players such as VLC player, you can open a youtube or vimeo stream directly via url and it plays.
This would just save a lot on hosting of video costs.

Question 2: - Is there a way a three.js solution works for apple iphones? I don’t want to use 8thWall they are prohibitive and honestly, janky plane tracking from what I saw.
The current links don’t work GitHub - vimeo/vimeo-threejs-player: A plugin for streaming video from Vimeo to WebGL/VR/AR apps

Kind Regards

Hi, @clydedesouza . The Depthkit Unity plugins are set up to only play local media inside the Unity project (or receive a Spout stream as part of the Depthkit Studio Expansion Package), but it may be possible to modify them to play remotely-hosted streams as you are describing. This is a bit outside my wheelhouse, but I’ll check with the team to see if I can point you in the right direction.

Hi Cory I know for a fact they stream just fine, from even a regular server (I’ve streamed from a $10 a month web server)
what I’m after is parsing the stream from a host such as Vimeo and/or Youtube, for the simple reason that hosting the video file is more cost effective, a smoother experience (no latency/buffering) etc.

VLC player parses Vimeo thru javascript, I believe. Perhaps a clue is in there, but beyond my scope of understanding how to code it.
This would certainly benefit Depthkit users,
