Audio + Depthkit Sync in Unity?

Hey gang! I have been recording some fun musical performances in Depthkit using my Kinect Azure. I recorded the audio separately and have done some kind of visual clap to signify the starting point of my clip. What is the best way to now sync the audio with the depthkit video for use in Unity?

Hi @MarlonFuentes! You can use any video editor that you like. If you have exported as a combined-per-pixel video or image sequence, simple import the file into your editing tool and sync up the audio as seen here in the documentation.

If you are willing to share, we would love to see some of the performances that you are recording!

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Wheeeew! Thats great news. I have Adobe Premiere so I’ll give that a go this weekend! I did clap as a point of reference! Here’s a quick screen grab video I made during the process! I sync’d my audio with this screen video just to get inspired. Can’t wait to actually sync it all up and take the next step! Thank you!

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Thanks for sharing @MarlonFuentes!

This is cool! Is the idea that someone could potentially have a hologram DJ performing music for them in their space? Love it.

Thank you, Dane! Thats my hope! I’m sure i’ll be asking a lot more questions as I learn my way through the workflow! Glad to be here.