Hey all!
We’ve talked about this in Slack in the past, but I wanted to bring it back up again as I always get paranoid when I’m shooting. The main issue here is I’m always trying to keep the subject as close to the sensor as possible in order to get maximum detail on the scan. The closer they are to the Kinect, the more detail there will be.
When shooting someone head-on, with the Kinect lined up flat against the subject (no tilting) it will often be hard to fit the person in the frame all the way. The frame may also have excess head rood that could be going to waste. Tilting the Kinect down and moving the talent closer will enable me to move them closer and fill the frame easier. Even if you are doing a closeup of someone’s head, tilting the rig will still allow someone to come a bit closer in certain situations depending on what you are trying to capture.
The result of this can, however, cause your talent to be distorted or tilted in the end. I think I remember @Alexander telling me once to use tilting sparingly, but it is still okay to do in certain situations. Does anyone want to provide a bit more insight on this, and refresh this topic a bit here in the forums? I still would love any help on this.