Yesterday I experimented with the old Meshexporter as I had a unity project still from a year ago.
(It worked fine) → I created a lot of PLYs + texture Cord
the Old exporter created an Output folder and there I found after hitting the start exporting button all the PLYs plus the textures
then I wanted to comapre the NEW exporter with the OLD
So I setted the new project accordingly to the docs …
I tested 2020.3.48f1 and 2019.4.3f1 workflow and even different versions like
BuildIN RP & HDR Pipeline
In all experiments at the same position I end up with a problem ?
I follow all the advises step by step from the documentation, but in both Unity Versions
the “Binding” the DepthKit Image Sequence Image Target element doesnt pop up ?
and by that I somehow didnt manage to export anything
I do recall an issue with the old exporter where, in order to bind the Depthkit object to the Streaming Image Sequence track, it was necessary to first deselect the Depthkit object, then reselect it to allow the UI to update and allow the binding via drag-and-drop. Let me know if this is the issue that you are running into.
As I have limited testing time I am somehow waiting that you give me the advise how to get the new 070 non real-time exporter running as I tested exactly how discripted …
i hoped it would be fast solved as I really would like to see the different between the old Ply+ texture cord exporter and the new 070 exporter … the imaginessequence appears to me the best way for highest quality …
I had issues with the obj and texture blending as somehow even in high aligned calibration had differences (I believe it happened through the fact that when I moved the calibration chart tripod from position to position they appeared to me vibrating, so I guess the not perfect alignment resulted from „user error“ and with a more heavy duty tripod on rolls and more heavyduty arms like griparms and so on it would be better as well good lighting is never bad all this was at my temporary testing spot not available)
So I tested exporting fresh and old stuff … tested Unity general function and the mesh exporter which in the past was the most highest way … now only the new 070 imagesequence player setting would be nice to compare and for week 4 (after Venice film festival ) I have vfx test workflow on my radar …
@MartnD Apologies for the confusion. To clarify, when I referred to the “old exporter”, I meant generating the meshes in Unity with our now-obsolete Depthkit Studio Mesh Sequence Export package (part of the Phase 8 release). The new mesh exporter is the Textured Geometry Export option built directly into the Depthkit app, removing the need to use Unity at all to produce textured geometry sequences, and the newer Phase 9 release of the Depthkit Expansion Packages for Unity no longer includes a Mesh Export package.
The Depthkit Studio Mesh Sequence Export package for Unity is only meant to be used with the other Phase 8 packages and image sequences generated by Depthkit v0.6.2 or earlier, and because it is no longer supported, has not been tested with image sequences produced by Depthkit v0.7.0. Although you’re welcome to continue testing yourself, we can’t provide direct support for this workflow, and instead recommend migrating a copy of your projects to v0.7.0 and use that mesh exporter instead.
We’ll continue troubleshooting your issue with the new exporter in this thread.
@CoryAllen but you have in the latest version the PNG streaming asset export option … and for what is it ? As the OBJ doesnt export with texture blending, I wanted to see if I go PNG stream export, what i can then achieve in unity to then export again as you have in the latest unity package a sequence exporter package … and in the the documentation is a workflow explained ? …
I thought it is for getting most highest quality possible with texture blending to an streaming asset to then go into arcturus ?