Recommended laptop for volumetric capture

I’m trying to find a laptop that will run Depthkit and I am having a hard time finding one with USB 3.1 GEN 2 ports. They all have 3.1 Gen 1 which I understand is slower. Will Depthkit run on Gen 1?
Or if someone can point me to a laptop with this Gen 2 port and all the other specs that are outlined - I’d be super grateful!

Hey Elizabeth, no worries! Do you have a usb-c port? If so, you are all set. If not, Depthkit will work with the older usb ports as well, however usb-c will help you avoid dropped frames during capture. In addition to thinking about the usb port, we also have these recommended specifications here for best performance.

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A very belated thank you for your reply!

I think I have it figured out…

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The above link for recommended specifications is dead:

@JillBoyce Now that single-sensor workflows fall under the Depthkit Core product name, the new location for these hardware specifications is here.