I’ve been using the DK Lite player in Unity with a 10 camera capture video, but only 9 of the 10 perspectives are rendering never the 10th. I can easily see this in action by using the Show Camera Frustum for each perspective - and as my performer walks into Perspective 9 (eg the 10th as first is 0) they dissapear.
Has anyone seen this or had trouble before? Is this a bug or something I’m doing wrong?
I’m aware the DKLite player hide perspectives based on the camera, but I’ve set the Perspective Limit to 10 - is this inclusive of camera 10? (I can’t set it to 11). I need all 10 perspectives visible - all the time.
Can anyone help? Any advice? Could be something in the metadata?
@Psicon_Lab I have taken a closer look at the Studio Lite Renderer, and I am seeing some issues when many perspectives are enabled.
The Depthkit Studio Lite was created primarily to increase performance on low-spec hardware like standalone XR headsets. With this in mind, our testing focuses on performance-optimized settings, which often includes a lower perspective limit.
Can you elaborate on how you are using this renderer, and why all 10 perspectives are needed simultaneously?
Hi Cory, thanks for taking the time to check it out. Much appreciated
So, I’m building VR for the Quest 3. We have a 10 camera capture which was shot in an “inside-out” camera configuration (with 10 cameras facing out from the center of the space) with the performer moving in a circle around them.
I’m using the Lite player as the playback performance seemed better on Quest and all the other clips are using it l, so visually it fits better with them (totally happy to use the normal player if I can get smooth playback btw).
Since the clip is of a performer moving around in a circle, each camera covers a particular outward angle (with adjacent cameras filling in too). Camera 10 does not render the clip at all, so we end up with a section in the loop where the performer disappears.
I’m aware that the Lite player should limit perspectives shown in the camera view by the max number set, affected by the max angle setting. I guess in theory I should only need to see 3 perspectives at any 1 time, but if I limit the number of perspectives - it isn’t showing the 3 perspectives in the camera view - it just shows 3 of the 10 (eg. Only a small section of the full circle).
Hope this makes sense! Happy to share the Depthclip with you to test with if that would be helpful?
We have this work on show in a gallery in mid march and would be amazing to get a fix if poss.
@Psicon_Lab - Apologies for the delay, and thanks for the nudge. We actually just found a setting in the Lite renderer which may be the cause of your issue.
Let me know if this resolves your issue. If it doesn’t, please do share the Depthkit clip and metadat that you are working with so that we can take a closer look. I’ll keep an eye out.
Ah amazing. Thanks so much for looking into this! We have a test day tomorrow to showcase the early development of the project and I’ll try this fix tonight!
Fantastic! As I mentioned, your application of the Lite renderer is not what we had in mind when developing it, but I’m glad it can be adapted to your needs.