I’m getting a doubled ‘ghost’ image of the vol-cap. it seems to be flattened on the front plane of the perspective 4 camera sensor?
I’m also having problems understanding the myriad of elements in the inspector as there are duplicates within it, but switching them off doesn’t do anything?
@SimonWallett - At first glance, it looks like your Depthkit object has multiple conflicting looks applied: Depthkit Studio Built-in Look and Depthkit Core Visual Effects Graph Look (intended for single-sensor ‘Depthkit Core’ captures), so to clean this object up, remove (rather than disable) these components:
Visual Effect
Depthkit Core Visual Effect Graph Look
Depthkit Core Mesh Source
Depthkit Core Visual Effect Graph Texture Source
After you import the Depthkit Clip + Studio Built-in Look prefab, there’s no need to add any other components - You can just link your assets to the included components, and that’s all you need to render the asset.
If you want to add the Visual Effects Graph Look to your Depthkit Studio asset, first make sure you are using one of Unity’s scriptable render pipelines (URP or HDRP), then add the Depthkit Studio Visual Effect Graph Look component to your Depthkit object.
Many thanks Cory. I have been using the URP pipeline. I’ll go through the above tomorrow and see where I get to. The one frustrating aspect has been that there is no prefab sample for the “depthkit.studio.vfx: 0.5.1” in the “Depthkit Expansion Package for Unity - Phase 10”
Finally do I need to install the " depthkit.studio.shadergraph: 0.5.1" or can i just get away with installing the 4 packages when using URP:
@SimonWallett - Glad to hear that resolved the issue.
For confirmation, the Shader Graph packages are only needed to render the asset with a photo look in the scriptable render pipelines (URP & HDRP), so if you only require the VFX look, you’re all set with just the packages you have installed.