Some users of the Depthkit Expansion Packages for Unity (Phase 10) have flagged that the prefabs for Depthkit VFX Looks fail to import. This will be fixed in the next patch, but in the meantime, here’s a workaround which constructs the example Depthkit VFX Look from scratch:
After all of the required packages are added, create a new empty game object.
Add a ‘Depthkit Clip’ component.
Add a ‘Depthkit Core Visual Effects Graph Look’ component. These two components will pull in all of the other components necessary to construct the object.
Within the object’s ‘Visual Effect’ component, and ‘General’ bin, the ‘Asset Template’ field is populated with a sample VFX graph. Click on it to reveal its location in the Project bin.
In the Project tab, copy the VFX graph file revealed in the previous step, and paste a copy in your Asset bin.
Assign the copy to your Depthkit object, and double-click it to open it in the graph editor to customize, and save the graph to apply the changes.
Thank you for helping me look into this! It turns out that I had already edited the default depthkit vfx graph asset that comes in the package bin when my making my effect, as I also had the issue mentioned in that post about the vfx sample assets not importing. I removed the changes I had made the to package sample and copied it into my assets folder to modify again, but that didn’t fix it for me unfortunately. Also I should mention that it only freezes in the app build, it still plays the vfx fine in editor.
@jvcleave To clarify, the copy/paste step to duplicate the Depthkit VFX Sample file should happen entirely in the Project bin. Once it’s duplicated in the Project bin, you can then rename the copy, and assign it to your Depthkit object, then open it in the graph editor to customize.
I have edited the steps above in the top post for clarity.